Daniel Miles
Hello and welcome to my personal profile page. My name is Daniel but to many I am known as Millhouse; and yes, unfortunately, that is a reference to the blue-haired, bespectacled little dude from The Simpsons. Anyhow, from the outset I would like for you to know that I am currently an inmate of the Goulburn correctional centre in NSW. Additionally I would like to be perfectly frank and tell you that I am in prison for two serious offences, the first of which occurred at the age of 18 and the second at 26.
After my second offence I had to decide whether I would spend my life wallowing in guilt, shame and self-loathing, or whether to try and make some kind of future where I could be constructive in some way. Ultimately I chose a path where I have tried to define myself as someone who can be known as more than just some guy who committed a couple of wicked acts when he was younger.
One of the few positive aspects of prison is that it provides opportunity to engage in deep personal introspection. For the past 15 years I have worked through a variety of issues that were identified as contributing factors to both my crimes. Some of those key factors involved drug addiction, emotional immaturity and other underlying psychological disorders. As well as working with professionals over the years I also studied the Bible through the Emmaus Bible College, which was enormously inspirational for me personally. Whilst “physically” I may have aged slightly, my “emotional” growth has been tremendous. What I can say with great confidence is that, the person I am today bears no resemblance to that troubled, angry young man of my past.
There is no escaping my past, no undoing the damage I’ve done, but given the opportunity I know that I can help others whom may be struggling with life, for I have been there.
I’d like finish by sharing some other personal details, which do not relate to my criminal past. As well as my theological and Christian studies, I have studied music and sound engineering in some depth. I have been involved in numerous music programmes and have worked as an inmate music teacher at a few different correctional centres. I have also recorded a number of CD’s with bands and other musicians I have worked with over the years.
I have studied computers, information technology and at present I am doing cert 4 in library information and culture services.
Apart from song writing I like to write poetry and essays on topics of interest. I correspond regularly with the Justice Action organization and I am involved in the Jailbreak radio programme which is broadcast on Sydney’s 2SER.FM 107.3. Tuesdays 6.30pm.
Well, That’s about all for now, but I would like to express great thanks for checking out my page and if you’d like to email me then you are more than welcome.
Regards Daniel