Brewarrina (Yetta Dhinnakkal) Centre

Below is official information.

The reality is very different as was shown in the NSW Inspector’s Report.

We ask people who have personal experience to fill in the online Questionnaire so we can publish reports on the iExpress website.

Name of General ManagerWayne Jacobson
Year of Establishment2000
Postal AddressLocked Bag 1
Brewarrina NSW 2839
Street AddressThe ArthurHall Way VC
Coolabah - Brewarrina Rd, NSW 2839
How to Get ThereThere is no public transport. Visitors should be aware that travel by private vehicle is the only means of transport.

The Centre is located approximately 70 km from the township of Brewarrina and 75 km from Coolabah on the Brewarrina - Coolabah Road (Arthur Hall VC Way).
Phone no.(02) 6874 4715
Number of Staff
Health Care Services
Education & Skill DevelopmentAccredited courses, with nationally recognised qualifications, are made available to inmates at each correctional centre.

The Adult Education and Vocational Training Institute (AEVTI) provides literacy, numeracy and communications courses in all centres. Many centres also offer vocational courses such as Information Technology, Horticulture, Construction, Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft.

AEVTI contracts TAFE NSW and other providers to deliver courses in a range of vocational areas such as Hospitality, Business Skills, Building, Cleaning, Transport, Aboriginal Studies, Horticulture and various WorkCover licenses.

AEVTI also co-ordinates traineeships and offers support for distance education.

Each centre has a library giving inmates access to a range of fiction, non-fiction and reference books. Inmates can also login to a secure internal network called the Inmate Legal Portal which gives them access to material of a legal nature.

For more information regarding these programs visit the AEVTI WebPage.

The Yetta Dhinnakkal Centre programs are conducted on site. The programs include a number of behavioural change programs e.g. Family violence, and SMART Recovery. The programs target first time young Aboriginal offenders through culturally relevant intensive case management.

The Centre has a community projects section which can include up to seven inmates under the supervision of an officer. Inmates undertake maintenance for community areas.
Level of SecurityMinimum
Availability of Activities
Contact with Outside World- Weekends Only

- From 09:00-14:00
Time Out of Cell
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