Bandyup Women's Prison

Below is official information.
The reality is very different as was shown in the NSW Inspector’s Report.
We ask people who have personal experience to fill in the online Questionnaire so we can publish reports on the iExpress website.
Name of General Manager | |
Year of Establishment | 1970 |
Postal Address | PO Box 100, GUILDFORD WA 6935 |
Street Address | 95 Middle Swan Road, WEST SWAN WA 6055 |
How to Get There | Bandyup Women’s Prison is accessible by car from Middle Swan Road. Refer to Transperth for public transport options. On Saturday and Sunday a bus service from the Midland train station is available. Visitors are required to be at the train station by 14:00 to catch the free bus to Bandyup Women’s Prison at 14:15 for the 14:45 visit session. |
Phone no. | +61 8 9374 8710 |
Population | |
Capacity | 321 |
Number of Staff | |
Health Care Services | |
Education & Skill Development | |
Level of Security | All security level |
Availability of Activities | |
Contact with Outside World | Visiting Times Monday – Friday 14:45 to 15:45 and 16:00 to 17:00 Weekends and public holidays -08:45 to 09:45 -10:00 to 11:00 -13:30 to 14:30 -14:45 to 15:45 -16:00 to 17:00 *No visits on Good Friday and Christmas Day |
Time Out of Cell |